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Trigger Track - OSC

Open Sound Control (OSC) stands as a pivotal network communication protocol designed to streamline the management and control of equipment in live installations. At its core, OSC is celebrated for its simplicity in overseeing devices over networks, offering a user-friendly interface for professionals and enthusiasts alike.

Key Features of OSC

  • Simplicity in Control: OSC is engineered to facilitate easy control over a wide array of equipment, making it accessible for users of all technical backgrounds.
  • Unmatched Flexibility: The protocol shines in its flexibility, allowing commands to be meticulously tailored to the specific requirements of the device being controlled. This adaptability ensures that users can optimize the functionality of their equipment to suit their unique needs.
  • Device-Specific Commands: Unlike one-size-fits-all solutions, OSC commands are highly adaptable, ensuring that each device operates at its fullest potential with commands that are precisely aligned with its capabilities.

Integrating OSC in LiveEdit

Within the LiveEdit environment, OSC serves as a bridge between creativity and technology, enabling users to dynamically control their devices with unparalleled precision. LiveEdit simplifies the process of using OSC in two significant ways:

  1. OSC Route Creation: Users can establish a virtual OSC route within their LiveEdit projects, laying the groundwork for a seamless integration of technology and performance.
  2. OSC Track Assignment: By assigning specific OSC tracks to these virtual route, users ensure a dedicated channel of communication, enhancing the control and responsiveness of each device.

This structured approach not only demystifies the use of OSC in LiveEdit but also empowers users to take full advantage of the protocol’s capabilities, thereby elevating the quality and impact of their live performances and installations.

Moving Forward

The following sections will delve deeper into the practical application of OSC within LiveEdit, offering step-by-step guides, examples, and visual aids to ensure a comprehensive understanding and mastery of this transformative protocol.

Step One: Creating an OSC Track in LiveEdit Scene

  1. Initiate Track Creation: Begin by clicking the "+" icon located at the far left in the toolbar, which is designed for adding new tracks to the scene. From the drop-down menu, select "New track...". This action will prompt a new track creation popup to appear in the middle of the screen.
  2. Select Track Type: Within the "Type" drop-down menu, choose "Trigger" as this track will be used for triggering events.
  3. Choose Protocol: In the "Protocol" submenu, select OSC from the dropdown list. This specifies that the track will communicate using the Open Sound Control protocol.
  4. Routing the Track: It's essential to route the track to an OSC device. Do this by selecting the desired device from the "Route to" dropdown menu. Then click "Ok". Your track is now created and will automatically appear in the timeline.

Time-Saving Tip: If the OSC device you wish to control is not listed in the "Route to" menu, you can swiftly create a new one directly from this menu by selecting "Manage Trigger Routes...". In the window that appears, click the "+" button and then assign a name to your new OSC device. This streamlined process ensures that your setup remains efficient and tailored to your specific control needs.

Step Two: Creating an OSC Cue

To add an OSC event to a track, follow these simple steps:

  1. Activate the OSC Track: Click on the track header of the OSC track where you want to add an event to activate it.
  2. Using the Feature Browser: Once the track is activated, the Feature Browser will display, showing two main fields:
  • Command Field: Enter the OSC command and its path in the "/path/of/a/command" field. For example, "/play" or "/channels/1/layers/6/play".
  • Arguments Field: This field is optional and is used to enter additional data needed for the command. For instance, a "load" command may require the file name as an argument. Arguments can be strings (including with spaces), digits, numbers, or decimal values (e.g., 4.0).

To confirm the creation of your OSC Cue, simply click on the "Add" button. Your OSC Cue will now be visible on the selected track.

Move an OSC Cue

To move an OSC Cue within the timeline, select it and drag it while holding the click until you reach the desired new position.

Edit an OSC Cue

To edit an OSC Cue, simply double-click on it in the timeline. An editing window will open, and you can directly modify all the attributes of the OSC Cue inside it. Press Enter to confirm; the changes will be displayed immediately.

Integrating Generic or Dedicated OSC Schema into the LiveEdit OSC Manual could enhance clarity and provide users with a more guided approach to managing their devices. Below is a suggestion for how to structure this section within the manual, ensuring it seamlessly fits the instructional flow.

Choosing Between Generic and Dedicated OSC Schemas

When you create an OSC device in LiveEdit, it is initially assigned a "generic" OSC schema. This approach grants you the flexibility to manually enter the specific OSC commands required for your project directly within LiveEdit. However, to streamline your workflow and minimize setup time, consider leveraging LiveEdit's predefined schemas.

Advantages of Predefined OSC Schemas

Predefined schemas in LiveEdit are designed to expedite your setup process. Each schema is tailored to a specific type of hardware, incorporating the primary commands needed to control that equipment effectively. LiveEdit comes equipped with OSC schemas for popular devices such as Disguise, Qlab, Notch, and Caspar, allowing for an immediate and straightforward integration.


Working with external Timecode in LiveEdit
